Friday 6 June 2014

The Discovery Project

Discovery Project  -  Year 12 Mrs Evans


Task overview

You will be researching a media theory in preparation for your A2 studies. It is then up to you to present an artefact for the theory in a creative way.


How this will be done

Your teacher will give you the title of a theory and you will look into it. It is up to you whether you work alone or in a group/pair. You will then produce an artefact to show your understanding of the theory. This will be presented to the group at the end of the discovery project.


How this will help me

Media theory is an integral part of your A2 studies. You need to have a good understanding of them before you embark upon the course next year. They are central to both the coursework and examination.

The reason for the production of an artefact is, firstly, to allow you to challenge yourself by using technologies that you wouldn’t normally attempt for a graded piece of coursework (you may find that you are really good at web design/film editing). Secondly, it is to provide you with something else to present at your University interviews. An understanding of theory and a creative approach will be extremely impressive. Finally, you may decide to develop this idea further for your coursework at A2.


How lessons will be shaped

You will be expected to report to your teacher once a week with your ideas. You will be expected to come together as a class at the end, to present your final artefact and talk about the theory you have studied.


What will happen if I fail to do this project

You will jeopardise your chances of moving on to A2 Media Studies as it will demonstrate a lack of commitment to the course. You will be at a disadvantage next year, as you will not understand the theory to begin with and will give yourself extra work to do, at a time when you will already have a lot of coursework. This is an ideal time to get started on this.






Gender Theory

The Male Gaze


Effects theories


Auteur theory

Audience theory

Models of Mass Media




Some Past Projects have included:

A study into the representation of Disney Princesses

Postmodernism and Lego

Gender and magazines

Gender and music videos

Press ownership

Cultural differences in media signs

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